Toshiba’s Quality Commitment Guarantee.
The Toshiba Quality Commitment is our guarantee that you’re getting the utmost in advanced technology, dependability, service and support. As an Authorized Toshiba Dealer, Premier Systems stands squarely behind our promise with the assurance of complete satisfaction. Everything we do contributes to that goal—from setting the industry standard for research and development, to providing instant access to Toshiba support personnel. Look around. Nothing compares to Toshiba…quality guaranteed.
The Toshiba Quality Commitment is the guarantee you will probably never have to use. We demand unparalleled performance from our products. So, it follows that we offeryou the same in our guarantee. Read it and see for yourself. There’s no small print…no disclaimers. Just our commitment to deliver the quality you’ve come to expect from one of the industry’s most highly acclaimed leader in copiers, printers and thermal bar code printers. Toshiba…quality guaranteed.

If your new Toshiba manufactured Copier, Facsimile, Printer, or its accessories do not operate within Toshiba’s product specifications during the term of this program, and if the equipment cannot be repaired to perform within product specifications, We will replace the Copier, Facsimile, Printer, or accessory at no charge with a model of equal or better features and specifications.
If your new Toshiba manufactured Copier, Facsimile, Printer is out-of-service more than two (2) consecutive business days after notifying Premier Systems or requires off-site service, a loaner Copier, Facsimile or Printer will be provided by the Premier Systems at no additional charge.
The term of this program is: a) for new purchased equipment, three years from equipment installation date or maximum number of copies as stated in the product specifications, whichever occurs first; or b) for new leased or rental equipment, three years or the length of the original lease starting from the equipment installation date, whichever is longer.